Thursday, April 23, 2009

Acquire Hire and Fire!

Recession hits its peak. While i was lazing around at my work place, i.e. when i had tons of homemade food. I hit my colleague’s desk, just for a professional talk. He uttered a name silently. Ah i was wondering it could have been some argument between him and the other guy. He Said Buddy He's Fired! WHAT! I exclaimed! We were all gossip mongers or receivers through the day. Not only that they said they fired 8 of em. Unbelievable the support community was hit as well. On one side the company was acquiring various other TOP IT companies, hiring new people. Firing on the other hand? what on earth? I just don’t get the idea!

The day was extremely nervous, all that was running and still running through my mind is what if i were next? The Managers themselves dint know who would be next? whether they could be fired. Suddenly another colleague of mine tells me that the organization is planning for a 15 % downsize. It was a big question mark for me what have i become in life by choosing to be a SOFTWARE ENGINEER! That’s when i felt gone are those gaudy days when you were a software engineer people used to respect you. It is said that in this place called BANGALORE, you throw a stone it either its a DOG or a TECHIE. My mind quivered into Pythagoras theorem

DOG= TECHIE? It sounded true to me for a while. How cruel the so called corporate world could get? Lots of questions started flooding my mind. Unfortunately i dint have an answer to any one of them. I just decided to calm myself and start reading this novel “The Pianist". Patience is virtue they say. So i decided to stick to the old saying and will not bother bout this "ACQUIRE, HIRE AND FIRE” policy of some normal human being.

This confusing thought is still continues to JAM up my brains , refusing to eat drink and piss. This feeling is really bad and shitty. No one should go-through this feeling. I feel like a Psycho Jack ass. While i am sitting at office while i am writing this last paragraph. For the first time in life i feel i need a psychiatrist, a councilor, a sweet girl friend to talk to ? what not the feelings and EMOTIONS are running high. Now its time for me to get back to FREAKING WORK! If not it might be my ass on the firing line! Adios Amigos !

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